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May 8, 2024

Looking to make the move to New Zealand for work.

Looking to make the move to New Zealand for work? Our quick guide helps you navigate the visa process with ease. Here’s a concise guide to help you understand the process of obtaining a work visa and settling in this beautiful country:

Step 1: Assess Your Eligibility
Check the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) website for the list of visa types and find the one that fits your situation.
Ensure you meet the health, character, and financial requirements set by INZ.

Step 2: Choose the Right Visa
Skilled Migrant Category: For those with skills, qualifications, and experience New Zealand needs.
Work to Residence: For people who are qualified in occupations that are in demand in New Zealand or have a job offer from an accredited employer.
Essential Skills Work Visa: If you have a job offer from a New Zealand employer.

Step 3: Prepare Your Application
Gather all necessary documents: Your CV, job offer, qualifications, and identity documents.
Get your qualifications assessed if required.
Have your occupation recognized if it’s on the Long Term Skill Shortage List.

Step 4: Submit Your Application
Apply online or via paper application, depending on your visa category.
Pay the application fee and immigration levy.

Step 5: Wait for a Decision
Processing times vary, so check the INZ website for current timeframes.
Use this time to research living conditions, cost of living, and communities in New Zealand.

Step 6: Arrive and Settle in New Zealand

Once your visa is approved, make your travel arrangements.
Look into accommodation options, banking, tax numbers, and healthcare registration.
Step 7: Extend or Change Your Visa

If you wish to stay longer or change the conditions of your visa, check the requirements and apply before your current visa expires.

Step 8: Explore Permanent ResidencyAfter meeting certain conditions, you may be eligible to apply for residency or citizenship.
Remember, NZ Expert Immigration Services is here to assist you every step of the way. From visa application to finding your new home in New Zealand, we’ve got you covered!

#NZWorkAndLive #NZImmigrationExperts #NewZealandGuide

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NZEIC is a reliable provider of high-quality visa services. Whether you are planning to travel abroad for work, study, or leisure, NZEIC can assist you in obtaining the necessary visas.

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